Draft Video Story

For this project I decided to create a visual guide to the three different steps of the production process. Pre-production, production, and post-production. This project relates to my course topic by breaking down the different parts of production which is relevant because all of my project thus far have focused on the production company I made, Good Morning Productions.

Design Process:

For me, the biggest inspiration for this video was behind the scenes videos I’ve seen. Most all DVD and blu-rays have a special features section and there are sometimes behind the scenes tours, video essays, or informative videos breaking down different parts of production. I made sure to research and re-watch some of my favorites before editing this project. I wanted to create something similar to those to give people a behind the scenes look at what it takes to make a video and maybe provide some helpful advice as well.

I tried to make the different transitions I include have significance to what Reece was doing or saying. If you saw a page of a script being turned I used a page peel transition or if you saw Reece focusing his camera, I used a dissolve focus transition between shots.

I started by following Reece while he was filming a video interview for a commentary video he’s been working on. I started with him filming, scrolling through his script creator site, and then editing the video. Unfortunately, Reece fell ill so I had to include B-roll of another friend, Ashley Beard, who Reece was also filming. Hopefully, Reece will be feeling better soon so I can replace the B-roll with footage of him.

Technical Detail:

When it came to constructing the video I started by importing all the clips I had. Then I organized them according to pre-production, production, and post-production. I then inserted Reece’s interview and cut the clips to line up with what he was saying.

I used several transitions such as a page peel, a film dissolve, and a wipe. I also used the pitchshifter audio option for Reece’s interview. As I said Reece was under the weather and you could here it in his voice. I tried to modulate and change his voice to make this less obvious. I plan to re-record this interview if Reece is felling and sounding better in time.

I had trouble at first with some of the audio but found that applying a deNoiser to the interview and lower the levels of the music helped the whole thing sound much more clear.


Thinamajig from audionautix.com

Fair Use with Attribution

Raw Footage and Storyboard

Someone who has worked with Good Morning Productions, runs the audience through the different stages of production.

Visual Elements Audio Elements
0:00-0:10  Reece Yugawa, address the audience, talking in front of a news camera or in a studio setting. At the end of him talking he moves his hand across screen and with it a wipe transition us into the next scene. Reece explains who he is. He talks about his experience with Good Morning Productions and what he has done and what he currently is doing.
0:10-0:40 Video of Reece working on a script is shown. We see him sketching out ideas, then typing the script in celtx. Reece prints out the script and makes notes on it and changes it up, then we retypes and prints out the final script. The script prints out and as it prints out a downward wipe tracks with the paper to transition. Voice over: Reece explains what goes into the pre-production of a video project/production. He talks about how he forms ideas, how he formats his scripts, and how he revises a script.
0:40-1:10  Reece is filming different people. He is shown messing with camera settings, focusing his camera, and getting different angles. As Reece focuses the camera the scene cross dissolves into the next scene. Voice over: Reece explains how to set up his shots and how to get the angles he wants. He talks about the actual production of a video project. He talks about the different settings (shutter speed, contrast, etc.).
1:10-1:40 Reece is shown editing his project. He cuts the parts together. He adds effects and color correction. Voice over: Reece explains the post-production of a video project. He gets into the different editing software he uses and different tricks he uses and what rules he follows. Reece is shown cutting a clip and simultaneously there’s a cut to the next scene.
1:10-1:50 Reece is seen in front of a green screen talking. Reece thanks the audience for watching and tells them to check out Good Morning Productions.

Final Audio Story

For this project, what I ended up making was an exploration into the different types of people who have worked for Good Morning Productions, and where they are now. Originally, the project was far less focused but after some tweaking the intent behind it felt much clearer. This project can also serve as a PSA about Good Morning Productions as well.

The main inspiration for this topic was morning radio interviews that I’ve heard ever since I was a kid. These kinds of interviews always seemed to have such a sultry and cool quality to them I couldn’t help but listen. This type of interview also has a sleek but also throwback style that I’ve been trying to incorporate into all my projects.

The interviews I ended up using were from people I worked very closely with on past projects and that I know have gone on to do very cool things. This was partially so the actual interview would sound more natural and partially because I wanted they stories to be shared. I had each interviewee say “Good Morning” after their interview to signify that it was over. The rooster crow at the beginning is a free use sound I found and is meant to invoke thoughts of the morning. The smooth jazz song I used is also meant to relax the interviewer and guide them through the interview. I included a radio tuning at the beginning to really hit the early radio interview vibe home.

All the sounds that I didn’t record I found from various free use websites. I wanted to record my own sound of a radio tuning but apparently, it’s much harder to find a manual radio than I anticipated.

In this final project I much better utilized the Adobe Audition tools. I used a denoiser function because some of the interviews I recorded had some background noise and this helped make it less obvious. I also adjusted the pitch levels of the narrator voice clips because I wanted those clips to be recorded by someone with an extremely deep voice. The person I originally had in mind couldn’t record so I had to record my voice and make it sound deeper. I also sped up a couple parts of interviews so that parts wouldn’t drag on as much. If you ever try to speed up some audio I suggest lowering the pitch as well, so the person’s voice doesn’t sound sped up.


Radio Tuning


Public Domain

Rooster Crow


Free Use with Attribution



Free Use with Attribution