Draft Audio Story

For my project I decided to try to recreate a morning advertisement you’d see on a radio or at the beginning of an old VHS tape that explains people’s experience with good morning productions. This is to not only promote my fictious production company but share the stories of those who have worked with it. The plan is to insert voiceover explaining what these four individuals have done and how that relates to their dreams/motivations said in the interview. I left some space in and I found someone with a good deep radio voice to help me record some voiceover.

At the beginning of the track you hear a rooster crow, and someone say Good Morning. This is a play on the name of the company, Good Morning Productions, because a rooster crowing and someone saying good morning are both classic audio cues that it is morning. I decided to include the VHS loading because all my other projects have had a retro spin to them, so it felt like it matched my aesthetic.

I started by finding people who I have worked with on different video projects and that I know have done some really impressive things since then. I record the first part of the interview with them. I then started recording sound effects and ambient sound. I found an old TV, so I was able to get the VHS sound from that. I also was able to find a free use rooster crowing as well. After that I cut the interviews into soundbites and found some music on a creative commons sight. I wanted something that was jazzy and mellow to invoke a morning radio station but that also could get louder to transition between audio clips.

I used a lot of transitions to make the music that I ended up cutting up and repositioning sounded more coherent. I also lowered some people’s voices to make them sound smoother. I want to continue to do this and more texture so that the audio doesn’t sound so flat. This and finding someone who had a deeper voice than me to record narration were my biggest challenges. But I think this is a good start and I can polish the final project into something cool.


Rooster Crow- https://freetousesounds.com/royalty-free-rooster-cock-a-doodle-doo-sound-effect-sounds-of-vietnam/

Free Use with Attribution

Music-  https://freesound.org/people/RealRhodesSounds/sounds/4048/

Free Use with Attribution